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Original Article
The evaluation of pneumoconiosis by risk factors gender and age groups in Turkiye, in 1990-2021: incidence, prevalence, deaths, and disability-adjusted life years
Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence and prevalence of pneumoconiosis, pneumoconiosis-related disability-adjusted life years (DALY) score, deaths and risk factors by gender and year in Türkiye.
Methods: In this study, the estimation data prepared by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) for Türkiye in the global burden of disease study covering the years 1990-2021 were used. Descriptive statistics are given as mean and standard deviation. Comparisons according to gender were made with Independent Samples t test. The relationships between numerical variables were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient (r).
Results: A total of 1755 pneumoconiosis-related deaths occurred in Türkiye between 1990 and 2021. Of the deaths, 687 (39%) were due to silicosis, 489 (28%) to coal worker pneumoconiosis, 451 (26%) to asbestosis and 128 (7%) to other pneumoconiosis. Of those who died, 1619 (92%) were men. The DALY score, incidence and prevalence are also higher in men. The most common risk factor affecting men is silica exposure, while for women it is asbestos exposure. After 2016, incidence and prevalence are decreasing.
Conclusion: Pneumoconiosis is more fatal in men and in the 65-80 age group. The effects of the disease vary across countries and even regions within the same country. It is important to take these differences into account in future research on pneumoconiosis. Regulation of working environments in sectors known to cause the disease will both ensure that people are less affected by an important occupational disease and prevent loss of workforce.

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Volume 2, Issue 3, 2024
Page : 58-61