The JoPIC is an independent-unbiased, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal of current national and international issues and reviews for original clinical and experimental research, interesting case reports, surgical techniques, differential diagnoses, editorial opinions, letters to the editor, and educational papers in pulmonology, thoracic surgery, occupational diseases, allergology, and intensive care medicine.

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Hypersensitivity pneumonia from the past to the future
HP is an inflammatory and/or fibrotic disease affecting the lung parenchyma and small airways. Exploring the historical context of HP helps to understand how significant changes in risk factors over time have influenced its development. More than 300 etiologic agents have been identified as the cause of the disease. Bacteria, fungi, animal proteins, plant proteins, low molecular weight chemicals, and metals have been identified as inciting agents. Many inciting agents have been associated with HP since its recognition in 1700. New exposures continue to be suspected as causative factors in the development of HP. As occupational and unsalaried avocational practices evolve, give rise to an ever-expanding list of HP-inducing risk factors, including three-dimensional printers (thought to be due to nylon powder used in its manufacture), contaminated home continuous positive airway pressure machines and dental products (methyl acrylates affecting dental technicians).

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21. Walters GI, Mokhlis JM, Moore VC, et al. Characteristics of hypersensitivity pneumonitis diagnosed by interstitial and occupational lung disease multi disciplinary team consensus.<em>Respir Med</em>. 2019;155:19-25. doi:10.1016/j.rmed.2019.06.026
22. Koyuncu A, Sarı G, Şimşek C. Evaluation of cases with hypersensitivity pneumonia: 10year analysis. <em>Clin Respir J</em>. 2023;17(4):329-338.
23. Spagnolo P, Rossi G, Cavazza A, et al. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: a comprehensive review. <em>J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. </em>2015;25(4):237-250.
24. Vasakova M, Morell F, Walsh S, Leslie K, Raghu G. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: perspectives in diagnosis and management. <em>Am J Respir Crit Care Med</em>. 2017;196(6):680-689.
25. Alberti ML, Rincon-Alvarez E, Buendia-Roldan I, Selman M. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. <em>Front Med (Lausanne).</em> 2021;8:718299.
26. Nogueira R, Melo N, Novais E Bastos H, et al. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: antigen diversity and disease implications. <em>Pulmonology. </em>2019;25(2):97-108.
27. Wang P, Jones KD, Urisman A, et al. Pathologic findings and prognosis in a largeprospective cohort of chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis.<em>Chest</em>. 2017;152(3):502-509.
Volume 2, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 86-88