The JoPIC is an independent-unbiased, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal of current national and international issues and reviews for original clinical and experimental research, interesting case reports, surgical techniques, differential diagnoses, editorial opinions, letters to the editor, and educational papers in pulmonology, thoracic surgery, occupational diseases, allergology, and intensive care medicine.

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Case Report
Neurogenic pulmonary edema caused by epileptic attack: a case report
Neurogenic pulmonary edema (NPE) is a life-threatening situation that progresses with acute respiratory distress caused by central neurological damage or injury. NPE may occur as a result of different central nervous system diseases and disorders, such as brain malignancies, traumatic brain injuries, infections, and convulsions. This case report was designed to highlight the causes, outcome, and treatment of NPE triggered by an epileptic attack.

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Volume 2, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 89-90